Choose Web Page from the Insert menu to add an HTML page to your e-show. The HTML page that you add will be added as a slide. This command opens the Insert Web Page dialog box.
There are two ways you can insert a Web page:
If your Web page contains relative links to graphics files, Java applets, ActiveX controls, or other types of object files you should insert the Web page from an Internet or intranet site. This will retain the links and ensure that the page is displayed properly. However, if you insert a Web page from a hard disk or a shared file folder that contains links to these objects, you must copy any attached graphic or object files manually to your publication folder. In order to ensure that linked files are displayed properly, you must retain the original folder structure when copying the files to your publication location.
Click Verify Link to check that the address or path that you entered is correct. If the address or path is correct, the page will display in your Web browser. Otherwise, you will receive an error message that your browser could not locate the specified Web page.